Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Time Again!

Christmas is one of Paper Moon's favorite times of the year!

I can only speak for myself when I say you don't have to be Christian to enjoy this fun little Christmas tree by Jo Nakashima with lucky star ornaments and an Omega Star tree top by Phil Shen.

Whatever holiday you are celebrating this season, may it be peaceful and joyful and full of good cheer! 

Happy Holidays from Paper Moon!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Happy Little Dragon

I have not posted in a really long time, so I thought I'd make this short entry. I recently got a request from a friend for a little dragon family. I love getting requests since it gives me an excuse to fold things while I should be doing other things.

I enjoyed this idea so much that the Happy Little Dragon is slowly developing into a character with a back story in my head. We'll see where that goes, but for now, as requested, here is the Happy Little Dragon with his two moms!

The two adult dragons are designed by Edwin Corrie. There is no tutorial for this particular dragon that I could find, but here is a tutorial for another dragon by the same designer. The only difference between the two is the head. If you need help making the head, you can refer to this.

As for the little star in the middle, he was based on a design by Gilad Aharoni.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Happy Pride Month

Paper Moon never misses an opportunity to celebrate! Happy Pride Month to the LGBTQIA+ community and their allies! Most countries still have a long way to go, some longer than other, but great things are happening more and more often and quickly. Y'all rock!

Here is a little paper tribute.


The little box people are based on Jo Nakashima's Origami Groom, Little Girl, and Little Boy. The "gender" symbols are my own design. Hopefully I'll get around to making a tutorial on how to make letters, numbers and symbols using a very simple technique.

Crane Mandala

Saturday, May 24, 2014

A Song of Ice and Fire

I've recently finished reading the first installment in the A Song of Ice and Fire series, and since then I have been trying to avoid spoilers like the plague, what with the show now in its fourth season and all. I have not had the time to get into a good fantasy series in a long time, so I thought I'd do a House Sigil series as I get into the second book, A Clash of Kings.

I start with House Stark because they are the coolest/least dysfunctional, and House Targaryen because dragons.

The Great Houses of Westeros

House Stark
Winter Is Coming.
Origami Wolf

House Targaryen
Fire and Blood.
Three-Headed Dragon by John Montroll (five-part tutorial)

House Lannister
Hear Me Roar.
Origami Lion by Robert Lang

House Baratheon
Ours Is the Fury.
Based on this origami reindeer

House Tyrell
Growing Strong.
Evi Rose by Evi Binzinger

House Greyjoy
We Do Not Sow.
Origami Squid

House Martell
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.
Origami Sun by Jo Nakashima

House Tully
Family, Duty, Honour.
Origami Fish by Davor Vinko

House Arryn
As High As Honour.
Origami Moon designed by Fernando Gilgado and Origami Eagle

Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Just a quick note to say Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful mothers I know. Mother's Day is celebrated on March 21st in Lebanon, the first day of spring, so it was a bit weird for me this morning seeing all the Mother's Day posts online. But Happy Mother's Day to you wherever you live!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May the Fourth Be With You!

I am in the middle of writing final papers, but Paper Moon has never let an occasion to fold origami pass by, especially not an essential holiday like May the Fourth! I thought it was high time I brought back Fumiaki Kawahata's Yoda!

I still use Jo Nakashima's excellent tutorial as my reference.

Yoda front and back. I just love his little hood.

And here are Light Yoda and Dark Yoda watching over my shoulder as I work and giving me conflicting advice.

Dark Yoda has a point. There's so much origami to fold, and so little time without wasting it working.

While avoiding my real-life projects (kids, don't take my example), I discovered Jeremy Shafer's awesome X-Wing Fighter.

Ok, I had better get back to some real work now. May the Fourth Be With You!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Mixed Signals

People have different ways of self-expression. Some people express themselves through poetry, dance, music, theater. I have, strangely enough, found a great outlet in folding paper.

This semester, I am taking a course in comparative literature titled "Literature of the Self". We were recently given an assignment to produce an autobiographical work. I wanted to express a particular sentiment, and I thought, What better way to put my thoughts to paper (I couldn't help myself) than by making a few expressive paper sculptures. I am not a poet or a dancer, but my medium can be just as effective in conveying some messages.

This blog is by no means turning into an artsy experimental statement. I do not want to scare my readers away with this pedantic blurb (I'm just trying to survive grad school), but I thought I can probably be forgiven one idiosyncratic post.

I have been thinking for a while now of how many mixed signals we receive in our day-to-day existence. People around us who are not forthcoming and honest, always trying to be politically correct and polite when they actually just want to shout at you, people who can't make up their minds about what they want. I don't know about you, but sometimes it makes me sick. Sometimes you can't even tell if a smile is just a smile, or an attempt to hide some ill-feeling. There's nothing worse than hypocrisy, and I have been told that I do not pick up on the mixed signals people sometimes send off. I am apparently very bad at decoding friendliness and understanding what people are really feeling when they are trying very hard to hide it. Silly me. Why can't people just say what they mean? I could probably do very well living in a cave somewhere away from people. But there wouldn't be any paper, and I would soon get bored.

My frustration with these things found an outlet in a particular form of origami. Kusudama is an ancient practice, the history of which I will let you read about on your own. It is a modular form, each model requiring several pieces, or modules, that fit together in perfect geometrical harmony to create a whole. The juxtaposition of the various pieces here illustrates perfectly whatever I was blabbing about earlier. People can be layered, just like the models I am about to show you; they can be multifaceted, and show different faces at different times. They are sometimes beautiful and soft, and sometimes very ugly and sharp. And if my little experiment here has failed in all other regards, the hours of work that went into the making these models will have at least served as a distraction from my troubles and woes.

Without further ado, and to end this endless somber blurb (which you can just forget about in a minute), I will leave you to enjoy these beautiful models to which I do not do justice.

Kusudama by Nina Ostrun
6 modules

Origami Cuboctahedron from Herman van Goubergen's Curler Units
12 modules

Kusudama Star Holes by Francesco Mancini
30 modules

 Kusudama UVWXYZ by Francesco Mancini
30 modules

Revealed Flower by Valentina Gonchar
90 modules


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Use Less Paper This Earth Day

The amount of brochures and flyers I have received since coming to this country hurts my heart. It seems to me that we can do without all of the paper we waste every day. It pains me to throw a portion of it away, because let's face it, I'd drown in it if I didn't. And recycling is not always available.

Or is it? It is in the very spirit of origami to reuse paper when you are done with it. In ancient Japan, paper was not as cheap as it is today, so people made pretty things out of used paper so as not to waste it. 

So this Earth Day, try to use less paper, and instead of your expensive patterned origami paper, why not try reusing some old flyers you have lying around? All those extra sheets and leaflets you've accumulated would be perfect for making a kusudama or other modular origami that requires several pieces of paper. Check out my Earth Day kusudama from last year.

You can also use it to make your 1000 paper cranes. Honestly, who has the money to buy special paper for a project like that? Or simply try these nice Earth Day-appropriate models!


Origami jumping frog by Toshikazu Kawasaki

Happy Earth Day!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter

I realize this is very late in the day, so I will keep it short and sweet. Enjoy with me these little easter-inspired models!

This basket is not strictly origami as it involves some *cough*cutting*cough*, but it is a lot of fun to construct. Here is a tutorial on how to make it. For the handle, I twisted some thin strips of paper then braided them together instead of the simple handle shown in the video.

What I learned from this project: I do not like licorice-flavored jelly beans.

And for the wonderful egg masterpieces you will have by the end of the day, here is a nice flower stand you can display them on. FabergĂ©'s got nothin' on you. Learn how to make the egg cup designed by Kunihiko Kasahara here.

As for your Easter Bunny needs, I've got you covered. Check out these previous posts here, here, and here.

I am not Christian myself, and I don't care what religion you are. We've all painted eggs and stuffed ourselves with chocolate on this day as children. So Happy Easter to you!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fools'!

Happy April 1st everyone!

In France, when someone plays a prank on you, they triumphantly declare "poisson d'avril!", which means "April Fish". I am sure there is a reason for this, but as a kid, we always just went with it. If you grew up a Frenchie, you'll remember spending the whole day cutting out little paper fish to stick on your friends' backs when they weren't looking. Once again, I never questioned these traditions as a child. Just enjoy this meta-fish and don't judge.

For all of you non-Frenchies, here are some other things.

So I don't have students to torment this year (how I miss those days). I thought I'd regale all of you with some paper tricks instead. These neat little models are not what they appear. I have made GIFs to prove it.

 Here's an old favorite: the amazing modular transforming ninja star. If you would like to make this model, check out my tutorial.

And what's this? A box? Nop.

Check out Jo Nakashima's tutorial for Valerie Vann's Magic Rose Cube.

Are you amazed yet?

How about thise? Here's a cool folding exercise: the Magical Transforming Octahedron by Jeremy Shafer.

Ok, so I ain't fooling you. You're too smart. But the mechanics behind these models are very interesting, and not because I'm writing this at 5am.

Fine, I'm sorry. You wanted neat pranks to play on your friends, didn't you? And I blew it. Truth is, paper is meant to make people happy. Unless you don't know how to hold it and get paper cuts. I guess this whole post was some kind of bad April Fools' joke. But before you go, take a look at this neat trick inspired by origami (this one's legit).

Leave me a comment if you can figure out how he does it. And good luck finding ways to make other people miserable!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Feast of Saint Valentine

Once there was a guy called Saint Valentine who died. The end. Cool story, huh?

What's that? "Not really," you say? Then why do people, over sixteen centuries later, feel obliged to spend obscene amounts of money every year on February 14th to prove that they love someone?

Who's the culprit, you ask? As usual, we have Chaucer to blame. Or the guy who misinterpreted him. The author of The Canterbury Tales was the first to associate the Feast of Saint Valentine with love and romantic activity. Critics believe that the Feast of Saint Valentine that Chaucer was referring to actually falls on May 3rd. 

You heard me. You can read about it in this article by Meg Sullivan.

Nevertheless, since February 14th has come to be celebrated as the Day of Love in some countries, and since I have avoided making a Valentine's Day post in the past, it might be time for Paper Moon to show some love. 

(Note: You will not see any hearts on this blog. Except this one. It was Halloween, and the thing was cute.)


SO, what are you going to give your sweetheart tomorrow?

Apparently, nothing says I love you like a nice single red rose. Here is a pretty paper alternative to the kind that dies. This model was designed by Jo Nakashima. If you are a frequent reader of this blog, you know I have voiced some strong opinions about the giving of flowers as gifts. Don't get me wrong, I think flowers are great. When they're outside. With their roots still attached. So for alternative options, please check the previous post.

How about a pretty card made by you? Find out how to make this elegant origami card here.

And did you get her a gift? Do you want to make him think you're super creative? Why not put your trinkets in a nice little origami box? I have dug around and found some nice, non-gushy options for the less "romantic" among us. You're welcome.

How about this cute candy-shaped box? It is best for holding candy and/or chocolate. 

There is also the Love Swan Box by Tadashi Mori. I am quite partial to this one. 

And even though I am clearly not into all the sickly, sugary cr... criminal injustice that is pink hearts and creepy red plush dolls we must endure year after year, here is a beautiful and elaborate model, also by Tadashi Mori. The Versailles Box is made up of three sections. Find out how to make the flower part here, and the leaf part here.

These models can be given to anyone you love on this, the Day of Love. If you're not romantically involved, it doesn't mean there's no one out there who loves you. I mean, there has to be someone, right? Just spend tomorrow with someone you love if you can. Do it for all of us who are missing our loved ones but can't be with them.

I will end this tribute to poor Saint Valentine, the martyr, who I am sure died very painfully at the hands of the Romans, with these parting words of wisdom:

Remember, chocolate is always the best gift.

<3 from Paper Moon